+44 208 089 0222

On a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 indicates total disagreement and 6 total agreement, please indicate the extent to which…

    Ethics accountability and responsibility

  • People do the right thing because they want to (not because they are told to)

  • People are rewarded/ recognised for ethical behaviour

  • Transgressions are dealt with swiftly, decisively, transparently & consistently

  • Senior management commitment to ethics

  • Leadership verbalise and act upon their commitment to ethics (talk & walk ethics)

  • Relationships between senior people in the organisation & clients appear to be independent

  • Middle management commitment to ethics

  • Managers verbalise and act upon their commitment to ethics (talk & walk ethics)

  • The majority of middle management consistently role model ethical behaviour

  • Ethical awareness

  • People talk about ethics openly

  • Ethics Training is provided (also for the new employees)

  • Ethics-related codes & policies are clear & people are aware of the content

  • Ethical treatment

  • All stakeholders (internal & external) are treated fairly and with respect

  • People are not afraid to speak up (raise concerns)

  • Behavioural risk

  • Realistic performance targets are set, that don't encourage unethical behaviour.

  • Business decisions are tested for ethical consequences